Senior Software Developer
Jobbannonsen är inte längre aktiv
Antingen är jobbet tillsatt, eller så har ansökningstiden löpt ut.
Vad vi kan erbjuda:
Viktigt på riktigt
Ett dagligt arbete där du får möjlighet att bidra till samhällsutveckling genom en bättre skola för alla.
Flexibilitet och balans
En flexibel arbetsmiljö med möjlighet att styra tid och plats, så att du kan hitta just din balans.
Team Rocket 🚀
Ett engagerat team med en involverande företagskultur – vi har roligt tillsammans!
Utvecklande internationell miljö
Med användare på flera europeiska marknader i snabb tillväxt är du en del av en internationell miljö. Digital learning for everyone!
Den senaste tekniken
Vår plattform är byggd på moderna ramverk och innovativ teknik – hos oss står utvecklingen aldrig still!
Ett schysst upplägg
Friskvårdsbidrag, tjänstepension och löpande kompetensutveckling - det är bara några av förmånerna vi erbjuder.
Vår företagskultur
Tillsammans har vi definierat vår kultur genom fyra värdeord och som ger oss vägledning i vårt dagliga arbete:
Contributors for good
Being a force for good is in our backbone, it’s what inspires us in our everyday work. We listen actively to change and thrive to be a benefactor in a positive development for education. We believe in digital learning for everyone.
Passionate Team Players
There’s only one team at this company, and that's all of us together. We have fun and are committed to helping each other.
Through mutual respect and enthusiasm we create a sense of unity. Everyone is a part of our team spirit.
Trusted Experts
We value quality and listen actively to what our customers have to say, being responsive is key for us. Thanks to our hard work and strive for constant change, our development never stops. With our solid experience we are trusted in what we do.
Visionaries with a curious mindset
We move fast and like to be at the forefront of our industry, to drive change is core. When something doesn’t go our way, we react quickly, and try something new. We don’t wait for the right moment, we create and capture our own momentum.
Contributors for good
Being a force for good is in our backbone, it’s what inspires us in our everyday work. We listen actively to change and thrive to be a benefactor in a positive development for education. We believe in digital learning for everyone.
Passionate Team Players
There’s only one team at this company, and that's all of us together. We have fun and are committed to helping each other. Through mutual respect and enthusiasm we create a sense of unity. Everyone is a part of our team spirit.
Trusted Experts
We value quality and listen actively to what our customers have to say, being responsive is key for us. Thanks to our hard work and strive for constant change, our development never stops. With our solid experience we are trusted in what we do.
Visionaries with a curious mindset
We move fast and like to be at the forefront of our industry, to drive change is core. When something doesn’t go our way, we react quickly, and try something new. We don’t wait for the right moment, we create and capture our own momentum.